Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Obong Spring, Dalaguete Cebu

One of my first amazing experienced with my friends was going to Dalaguete. Amazing because we went their out of planned and in the break of the storm. It was a 3 hour trip from South Bus Terminal, fare was only Php 80 (ours was 70 (student discount) :D)

@emall(meeting place)

The original plan was an overnight stay @lop2x's place in Dalaguete, unfortunately her Uncle had an attacked the night before we set off and unluckily they forgot to informed us. So, we waited for 1 hour thinking they might be late, but seems like no one really arrived at the said time and beyond.
Hence, we contact some other friends to joined us 4 anywhere to pass by the frustration. And we decided to go on the original plan.

Frustration fades away upon arrival seeing this turquoise water..

It was low tide...

Fresh and salt water joined together...

never thought how chilly t'was ...

pose, pose, pose, pose.........

play, play, play, play!

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